EMS Fund ACT Special Projects Application Fiscal Year 2026
Special Projects Availability:
Applications for the FY26 Fund Act EMS System Improvement Projects will be available on October 9, 2024, at 12:00 pm. The Project applications must be completed on-line and electronically submitted. The EMS Bureau will award funding for the Projects after a review of the applications. The awards will be made based on a priority ranking, demonstrated need for funding, and recommendations from the committees.
Access to the applications is on the Licensing Portal. If you have not logged onto the Portal, or have forgotten your User ID or password, contact your Regional office listed below. Applications are due to the EMS Bureau by 5:00pm on December 13, 2024 of the applicable Fiscal Year.
Only Service Directors or EMS Operation Officers listed on the Personnel Roster in the Licensing Management Software will be allowed to access these applications. If you received this email, you are appropriately listed. If you are applying for a Statewide Improvement Project and are not affiliated with an EMS Service, please contact the EMS Bureau to receive log in access.
{c 1. Log into the Public Portal with your User ID and Password
{c 2. On the left hand side of the screen select “Applications”
{c 3. On the right hand side of the screen select “View Services Applications”. If you have started an application and wish to log back into it, press “Continue” on the left hand screen and select the application.
{c 4. Select “Special Projects Applications”
Please review the attached Availability Letter for additional comments.
If you need assistance in logging into the Portal or completing this application, please contact Rachel Marquez by email Rachel.Marquez@doh.nm.gov Also, technical assistance is available from your EMS Regional Office:
Region I: Jessie Mowrer – (575) 607-6889
Region II: Doug Campion – (575) 524-2167
Region III: Donnie Roberts – (575) 769-2639
EMS Fund Act and Annual Service Report
Applications for the EMS Annual Service Report and EMS Fund Act Local Funding Program are now available. The applications must be completed on-line and electronically submitted.
The EMS Annual Service Report must be completed by All New Mexico EMS Services and Fire Departments with an EMS component. The EMS Annual Service Report is very important as it is utilized to collect required information (resources, staffing, apparatus, NMEMSCOM etc.,) which assists us with disaster/emergency preparedness planning. Also, it is a requirement for all Certified Ambulances to submit for the Public Regulation Commission (PRC).
Reporting EMS incidents into NMEMSTARS, the New Mexico state data repository, is required by law. You must report all incidents for Federal Fiscal year (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024. The number of incidents reported is considered your service’s call volume.
Your Application and Annual Report is due to the EMS Bureau by 5:00 pm by Friday, January 17, 2025.
Please adhere to the following instructions, as incomplete applications will not be processed:
- Be sure to upload all required documents. Make sure you have SIGNATURES NOTARIZED.
- If requesting an extension to file (this request must be made in writing, emailed before the January 17th deadline not on! (ex. Jan.12th or sooner!)
You will receive notification that your application has been submitted and accepted by the Bureau, but that does not mean it has been approved. You will receive another email when it is approved.
Access to the applications is on the Licensing Portal. If you have not logged onto the Portal, or have forgotten your User ID or password, contact your regional office listed below. Only Service Directors and EMS Operation Officers listed on the Personnel Roster in the Licensing Management Software will be allowed to access these applications. If you are applying for a Statewide Project and are not affiliated with an EMS Service or Hospital, please contact the regional office or EMS Bureau to receive log in access.
- Log into your Public Portal with your User ID and Password.
- On the left-hand side of the screen select “Applications”
- On the right-hand side of the screen select “View Services Applications. If you have started an application and wish to log back into it, press “Continue” on the left-hand screen and select the applications.
- Select the “EMS Fund Act or the EMS Annual Report Application”
If you need assistance in logging into the Portal or completing the applications, please contact Rachel Marquez at 505.476.8233 or by email Rachel.Marquez@doh.nm.gov You can also contact your EMS Regional Office:
Region I: Samantha Griego – (575) 914-1749
Region II: Doug Campion – (575) 524-2167
Region III: Samantha Griego – (575) 769-2639
Trauma System Development Application Availability
Applications for the FY26 Trauma System Development are now available. The Project applications must be completed on-line and electronically submitted. The Trauma System Funding Authority will award funding for the Projects after a review of the applications. The awards will be made based on a priority ranking, demonstrated need for funding and recommendations from the committees
Access to the applications is on the NM EMS Licensing Portal. If you have not logged onto the Portal, or have forgotten your User ID or password, contact your Regional office listed below. Applications are due to the EMS Bureau by 5:00pm on January 15, 2025.
Only Service Directors, EMS Operation Officers or Agency Point of Contact listed on the Personnel Roster in the Licensing Management Software will be allowed to access these applications. If you received this email, you are appropriately listed. If you are applying for a Statewide Project and are not affiliated with an EMS Service or Hospital, please contact the Regional office or EMS Bureau to receive log in access.
- Log into the Public Portal with your User ID and Password
- On the left hand side of the screen select “Applications”
- On the right hand side of the screen select “View Services Applications. If you have started an application and wish to log back into it, press “Continue” on the left hand screen and select the application.
- Select “Trauma System Development Applications”
Please review the attached Availability Letter for additional comments.
If you need assistance in logging into the Portal or completing this application, please contact Michael Guinn at the EMS Bureau MichaelL.guinn@doh.nm.gov or your EMS Regional Office:
Region I: Jessie Mowrer – (575) 607-6889
Region II: Doug Campion – (575) 524-2167
Region III: Donnie Roberts – (575) 769-2639